My Inspiration

Bijoux Boheme initially got its inspiration from my grandmother. She absolutely loved all kinds of jewelry, custom jewelry, fine jewelry. She had lots of fun accessories to go with it.

I started making jewelry as a way of personally healing from an illness and it has evolved into something so much more. I take inspiration from my travels. It could be a place, the people, the landscape, the culture, the music, the colors and patterns. Sometimes I create jewelry from the feel I get using certain materials. Other times, I create the piece of custom jewelry to match a person's, personality style. I'm also a fan of taking old pieces and upcycling.

I want my customers to feel like they picked up a treasure from somewhere just made for them.

Sunset on a Philippines beach set up for dining

Cultural and Travel Inspirations

Inspirational Foods

Inspirational Artwork

My creativity is fueled by all that I've known and experienced